Colégio Saint Daniel Brottier’s educational project

Based on a personalized pedagogical relationship with the fundamental principle of looking, loving and knowing each child and accompanying them to enhance their potential and a real pedagogical differentiation, with an educational action focused on the differentiated work of each student and not on expositor teaching.

Our educational model also favors mastery of the english language, with daily english classes, preparing students for today’s world that is global, intercultural and internationally mobile.

For more details about this model, read our Educational Project.

A pedagogical model for the 21st century

Diferenciação Pedagógica
Relação Pedagógica Personalizada
Personalized pedagogical
Tempo de estudo Autónomo Diário
Daily autonomous
study time
Contextualização das Aprendizagens
of learning
Conselho Semanal
Comunicação do Conhecimento
Balanço do Dia
of the day
Inglês Diário

What sets us apart?

Colégio Saint Daniel Brottier is distinguished by a socio-constructivist pedagogical model inspired by the Modern School Movement, which responds to the challenges of 21st century child learning, and in which the human side of education, centered on the value of the student-teacher is privileged.


It’s a pedagogical model:

Centered on the child’s learning path, in social interaction:

  • The curiosity of each child is the starting point for their learning;
  • Interactions between students are recognized as promoting skills and personal and social development;
  • The child’s learning is based on concrete cases of their daily life and current reality;
  • Pedagogical differentiation strategies are used for each student, highlighting, among others, the autonomous study time suring school hours, a moment per excellence for the teacher, in the classroom, to monitor and enhance the performance of each child individually, preparing materials and specific tasks;
  • Through flexible management of each student’s path, in order to achieve the learning foressen in the national curriculum in force. In this path, the child can envolve to more challenging proposals, from other years of schooling, or recover contente in which he shows more difficulty.

In which children are an active part in the learning process:

  • In the construction of the weekly Schedule of the class, in which the children themselves propose, under the guidance of the teacher, a certain activity or the approach of a theme, related to the curricular areas foressen during school hours.
  • Through project work and moments of work in large groups, in pairs or small groups, with moments of sharing, by each child, of diferente learning contents. They are proposed from the initiative o fone or more children, and that meet one of the objectives of the national curriculum.

That promotes student autonomy:

  • Encouraging everyone to take responsibility for carrying out the activities developed;
  • Through the organization of each room, with the materials arranged in na accessible way for each child;
  • Tthrough the use and completion of knowledge checklists: in which the student marks the goals he has already achieved throughout the year.

Which reinforces positive self-esteem:

  • Valuing the achievements of each one in their learning path, encouragins them to do more and better, at every moment;
  • Involving each student in the planning and management of activities;
  • That promotes student communication skills: The knowledge and learning of students are shared and disseminated by others, through that communication of projects, work in groups or in paires and group councils

Who bets on DAILY ENGLISH classes, from the age of 3:

  • As we consider that currently mastering the English language is fundamental, our students learn the English language daily, from preschool to 6th grade. The Colégio, as the Official Examination Center of the University of Cambridge, also allows for the annial certification of learning at various levels, in accordance with the University of Cambridge system;

In which a formative assessment is built:

  • The assessment that happens naturally for the child, being used as a learning enhancer. It has the direct participation of the students at all stages, in the determination of the objectives of the work developed and in the planning of the action;
  • Feedback from the class and the teacher is given weekly yo each student, regarding their performance, so that they can improve their learninh in the following week, with the interaction between students and with the monitoring of the teacher.

In which there is a real interaction between the school/family:

  • The possibility for parents to visit their children’s room daily;
  • Communication to parents of projects and works that the class or the child i sor has been developing;
  • Through the permanent availability of the head teachers to clarify doubts and questions that arise with their student;
  • For the involvement of parents and the community in the development of classroom projects;
  • Periodic meetings with parents.